Sunday, March 27, 2016

2016 AntiEpic Gravel Grinder Update

In spite of last week's snowfall, we're still planning to proceed with the AntiEpic Gravel Grinder on Saturday, April 2, 2016. There is another potential for light snowfall this week prior to the event. But we're keeping our fingers crossed that Old Man Winter won't throw a monkey wrench into our plans! Obviously, if this week's snow showers turn into a major snow event, we may be forced to "pull the plug" on this year's ride. So please pay attention to this blog for last minute details!

Here are a few updates for next weekend's ride:

1) Because of last week's snow, the long course will be using the alternate route, bypassing the dreaded B-road. Please note that the alternate route adds an additional 6+ miles to the course, but will hopefully make the AntiEpic experience more enjoyable for this year's participants! All participants should be prepared for the fact that the course will likely be wet and may have a few hike-a-bike sections to avoid snow drifts along the course.

Here's the link for the alternate route:

2) We will have water support on the course!
  • For long course riders, water support will be located where the long course intersects CO Hwy 86 at mile 44 AND mile 117. If long course riders require additional support, they can either 1) ride into Deer Trail along Woodis Rd and self-support at one of two convenience stores in Deer Trail (Deer Trail 66 or Awful A's Auto...both near the intersection of 7th Ave and Cedar St) OR 2) cache additional water and supplies along the course. Personal support is NOT allowed for this ride! 
  • For short course riders, water support will be located at mile 33 at the intersection of Maul Rd and County Rd 102. 
3) Temperatures will be cool but rideable. Temperatures at the start will be below freezing for long course riders, but high temperatures will reach the 50s. Please plan ahead and bring your cool weather riding gear! 

4) The official cue sheets for both courses will be mailed out later this week (hopefully by Thursday, March 31) to all riders who are officially registered. 

5) Registration: Several riders have attempted to sign up for this event on the RMCC Meet-up site without actually using the Eventzilla link. Please use the Eventzilla link when you register or you will not receive an official copy of the cue sheet when I mail these out later this week! Because we are limiting this event to pre-registered riders, official cue sheets will not be available at the start of the ride. To access this link: AntiEpic Registration

6) RMCC Membership: There are several riders who are signed up for Saturday's ride who don't have active RMCC memberships. Please remember that you must have an active RMCC membership to participate. I hate to be a stickler about this, but this is for insurance purposes and this was the only way the Colorado State Patrol would allow us to proceed with the event without going through formal permitting! Riders who choose to ride without having an active RMCC membership will not have access to our water support, will not have their times recorded, and are not officially part of this event. If you have registered for the RMCC in the past 2 weeks or plan to sign up this week, please forward me your receipt for RMCC Membership so I can make you official! The roster on the right side bar of this blog is updated so you can check to see if your name is on the roster. 

Please let me know if you have other questions!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Colorado Triple Crown Registration Update

Update: Colorado Triple Crown registration is now open! 

I'm running a bit behind with the official links for registration for the Colorado Triple Crown events. I am hoping to have the links open by Friday, March 5, 2016 at 10:00 pm. For this season, we will be using Eventzilla to manage our registrations. This should simplify the registration process. Registration fees will still be managed and payed through Paypal. Registration fees will be similar to last season ($41 to $51/event), just a tad bit higher to cover the fees charged by Eventzilla and Paypal. For riders who choose to withdraw from an event (>/= 2 weeks prior to the date of the event), they can expect a refund, but there will be a $3 cost recovery fee to cover fees charged by Paypal. Sorry about the inconvenience!
