Monday, May 23, 2011

Rules, Regulations, and Safety

1)   All participants are required to wear an approved helmet at all times while they are riding. Failure to ride with a helmet will result in disqualification.

2)   The routes used during Colorado Triple Crown events are open to traffic! There are no road closures or police escorts. There are no course marshals. Cyclists must ride defensively with safety as their utmost priority!

3)   Riders shall obey all rules of the road! It is the rider’s responsibility to know the laws of the State of Colorado and to follow them. These are detailed at: Flagrant disregard of local and state traffic laws will result in disqualification. Please come to a complete stop at all stop signs and red lights and use hand signals appropriately.

4)   Lights that comply with Colorado law are required while riding during hours of darkness. Riders must have a white front headlight and a red taillight. Be sure you have fresh batteries! Participants riding during hours of darkness without operating lights will be disqualified! Please keep in mind that it is prudent to ride with VERY GOOD lights! Colorado mountain roads can often be strewn with rocks, sticks, or an occasional deer that wanders into the road! It is much easier to descend mountain passes safely when you can confidently see where you are going. Additionally, you will be able to ride more safely when weary-eyed drivers can easily see you from behind.

5)   Cyclists must also ride with reflective gear during the hours of darkness. Reflective vests (or a triangle) and reflective ankle bands are required while riding in low light conditions.

6)   Prior to the start of a Triple Crown event, each participant will receive an event passport. Each participant will also receive a course map and queue sheet that will provide turn-by-turn directions and locations of support points and checkpoints. Cyclists must stop at each checkpoint to have his/her passport signed and time noted by an RMCC official. If a RMCC official is not present, the cyclist should either: 1) stop at a nearby store to have his time verified by a store clerk OR 2) record his/her time on the passport and have the time validated by an RMCC official at the next checkpoint along the course. A participant may be disqualified if he/she misses a checkpoint or loses his/her time card. If a cyclist leaves the route, he/she must return to the route at the exact same location.

7)   Each event of the Colorado Triple Crown has a time limit. All participants must complete the course within the designated time limit to be listed as an official “Finisher” and receive Colorado Triple Crown credit. (Denver-to-Aspen in 17 hours, Colorado Death Ride in 19 hours, and Grand Loop in 18 hours.) Various checkpoints along each stage may also have time cut-offs.  A cyclist who reaches a checkpoint after it closes may not be allowed to continue riding OR may be shuttled ahead to the next control point along the course by the support vehicle. These riders unfortunately will be listed as “DNFs” and will not receive an official finishing time or Triple Crown credit. The time limits are imposed to maintain event safety and allow other participants to receive the support they need to successfully complete their ride.

8)   As a courtesy to the drivers of our support vehicles, we formally request that participants do not lean their bicycles up against a support vehicle. This can cause scratches to the support vehicles and may inhibit other riders from gaining easy access to their gear bags.

9)   The RMCC reserves the right to remove any rider from the course for the reasons of their own safety or the safety of others!

10) The RMCC requests that riders do not urinate in public view. Whenever possible, riders are encouraged to use the designated restroom facilities at checkpoints, including parks, convenient stores, restaurants, etc.

11) The use of MP3 players/I-PODS is not allowed as riders cannot safely hear approaching traffic.

12) Any rider found cheating or deliberately violating the above rules will be disqualified.

13) The RMCC ride director reserves the right to interpret any existing rule or regulation, or to invoke new rules or regulations that are deemed necessary. The ride director’s interpretation and decisions regarding the rule is final.

14) Results for each event will be listed in finishing order.

15)  As rider safety is out top priority, the RMCC reserves the right to postpone or cancel any of the Triple Crown events due to adverse weather conditions or dangerous road conditions.